Monday, January 3, 2011

TV as Tele-Vision

My first meditation of the year.  Here is a great example of what TV can do.  TV can allow people to tell their stories. This is a tele-vision, a vision of something broadcast over a distance, thus, a shrinking of that distance.  These stories make a difference.  When we look at world disasters, natural or man-made, we find that assistance (at least mass assistance) is given to those people and places from which we see compelling stories.  The stories, and the images, compel us to action:  Or do they?  When we see disaster after disaster, do we become numb, do we feel overloaded, overwhelmed? Worse, has TV become such a "merely" entertainment matter that it's an entertainment only venue (the TV is, I like to say, and I think I do so in the words of Tania Modleski, that TV is really a domestic appliance, and thus not much like cinema at all).  If so, can we find it in us to select a mission (even one phenomenon, such as the abuse of women in Afganistan) for us to do something about?  Our model of media criticism, at it's most simple, is observe, analyze and act.  What will you do?

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